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HomeWho is at the Polls
Who voters might meet at the polls?
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Who voters might meet at the polls.
Who voters might meet at the polls.
  • Voters and their children.
  • A person providing assistance to a voters
  • A person accompanying a voter who has a disability
  • Election/poll workers and Election Judges - County employees trained to work the polls and who may interact with voters inside or outside of the polling location. Learn more
  • Poll watcher - Often a partisan appointee of a candidate, party, or proponents or opponents of a ballot measure who cannot interact with the voters. 
  •  The Secretary of State or staff
  • An election official, a sheriff, or a staff member of an election official or sheriff
    delivering election supplies; a special peace officer appointed by the presiding judge.
  • Technicians for the voting system
  • The county chair of a political party, but only during a primary election

You might meet these folks 100 feet outside of a polling place.

  • Poll monitors - Often a non-partisan volunteer who answers voters questions and must stay 100 ft outside of the polling location. An example is a volunteer for Election Protection.
  • Poll greeter - Often a partisan volunteer or candidate who can interact with voters  or electioneer and must stay 100 ft outside of the polling location

Training and resources for election workers by the Secretary of State.

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What do you need to know about poll watchers?
What do you need to know about poll watchers?
  • Are appointed by a candidate, a political party, or proponents or opponents of a measure (specific-purpose political action committees) 

  • Must take training and be certified.

  • Must take the following oath 

    "I swear (or affirm) that I will not disrupt the voting process or harass voters in the discharge of my duties."

  • Must take training by the Secretary of State

  • Must wear a form of ID indicating that they are poll watchers.

  • Can report violations of state laws to the election judge

  • Cannot talk to voters

  • Cannot be inside a voting booth

  • Cannot question the reasonableness of a voter’s impediment to getting a photo ID

  • Cannot possess a device that records sound or images

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Does a poll watcher need a certificate?
Does a poll watcher need a certificate?

Yes. A certificate of appointment which includes:

  • Name, residence address, and voter registration number of the poll watcher
  • The signature of the person(s) making the appointment
  • The election and the number of the precinct where the poll watcher is to serve
  • An indication of the capacity in which the appointing authority is acting such, as an election on a measure, an identification of the measure (if more than one is to be voted on) and a statement of which side the appointee represents
  • The signature of the poll watcher.
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Who is eligible to be a poll watcher?
Who is eligible to be a poll watcher?
  • A watcher must:

    • Be a registered voter of the territory (e.g., city, school district) covered by the election and of the county for November general elections for state and county officers (held on even-years), primary elections, or other countywide elections
    • Not be a candidate for public office in an election held on the day the watcher seeks to serve;
    • Not hold an elective public office
    • Not be an employee of an election judge or clerk serving at the same polling place.
    • Not been finally convicted of an offense in connection with conduct directly attributable to an election
    • Not be related within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity to an election judge or clerk serving at that polling place. A watcher may be related to the candidate the watcher is representing. 
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Where can I find more information about the rules a poll watcher must follow?
Where can I find more information about the rules a poll watcher must follow?

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What is electioneering?
What is electioneering?

  • Advocating for or against a candidate, measure, or political party.
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What is not allowed?
What is not allowed?
  • Inside the 100 foot zone: Electioneering is prohibited. No one is allowed to wear any item or share handouts, signs, etc which promote a candidate measure or political party.

  • Inside a 1000 feet zone: Megaphones or speakers are prohibited.

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What is allowed?
What is allowed?
  •  Outside the 100-foot zone: Electioneering is allowed. Campaign folks may provide handouts, hold signs, give speeches.

Call us if you have any voting questions or concerns.

election protection 866-our-vote
  • 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683) English
  • 888-Ve-Y-Vota (839-8682) Spanish
  • 888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683) English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Bengali, Urdu, Hindi, and Tagalog
  • 844-YALLA-US (844-925-5287) Arabic
  • 301-818-VOTE (301-818-8683) American Sign Language (video call)
  • 888-796-VOTE Disability Rights Texas

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How to Help Texas Voters
How to Help Texas Voters

How can I help Texas voters??
There are many ways you can help empower Texas voters. Below are a few actions you can take to help make democracy work in your community!

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Democracy is Good For Business
Democracy is Good For Business

Democracy is Good for Business!
There are many businesses can help empower Texas voters. Texas LULAC, Texas NAACP, and the League of Women Voters of Texas are calling on businesses, large and small, to take nonpartisan action to support democracy.

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Volunteer Deputy Registrars
Volunteer Deputy Registrars

Be a Volunteer Deputy Registrar  
Help Texas citizens register to vote, become a Volunteer Deputy Registrar (VDR)

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County Election Workers
County Election Workers

Be a County Election Worker
County election officials are committed to offering all voters a safe and secure way to vote, whether by mail or in person. They need your support!

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Help at the Polls!
Help at the Polls!

There are many opportunities for folks to help at at the polls. Check out Who Voters Might Meet at the Polls: Election judges, poll watchers, poll monitors, poll workers, poll greeters

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Voters Guide
Voters Guide
Share the The League's nonpartisan Voters Guide - Available online at, as a pdf and in print before early voting for all statewide elections. 
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League Speakers
League Speakers

Contact the League of Women Voters of Texas state office to find a nonpartisan speaker on all things voting and elections for your next event. 

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Civics Education
Civics Education

Civics education resources
Find ready-to-use materials and resources for use in classrooms to prepare students to be responsible voters and citizens.  

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Election Protection
Election Protection

Election Protection
Share election protection numbers with voters in need and join us as a voter protection volunteer for elections so that all Texas voters can be part of a free and fair election? 

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County Election Websites
County Election Websites
Review your county election website
In Texas, each county is responsible for voter registration, where to vote, when to vote, how to vote, what is on the ballot, how to become a Volunteer Deputy Registrar, or an Election Judge. Find resources to review your county website and ensure they are providing accurate, easy to find voter information.